Join Us

Our Values 

We strive to

If these values resonate with you, please continue reading.

Our Expectations


Some tools and resources used in our group are listed here.  

Undergraduate researchers

UG students in our group are usually seniors but we are open to considering motivated and qualified students at earlier career stages.

 Graduate researchers

My Mentoring Philosophy

My approach to mentoring is described below. However, I recognize that each person needs a different mentoring approach to reach their maximum potential and I try to adapt to individual needs within the boundaries of my mentoring philosophy and values.

Work ethic

I expect students to take their education and research very seriously. While some students are natural self-starters, I strongly believe everyone can excel if they are willing to put sustained effort toward their academic and research goals. I completely understand that students can face difficulties in their path and am always willing to listen and work together to find solutions. However, I do not tolerate any form of dishonesty or lack of work ethic. 

Work hours and locations

I don't enforce working hours or locations but I expect students to be self-motivated and professional regarding academic and research commitments. I expect students to attend planned meetings, giving enough notice in case we need to reschedule. I expect students to respond to non-urgent requests within one business day. If we are approaching a deadline, I expect a faster response, but we will have an upfront communication about these occasions.

Group meetings

We hold weekly group meetings to discuss research updates and professional development topics. Graduate students are expected to attend these meetings. Undergraduate students are welcome but not expected to attend.

Individual meetings

I meet with everyone weekly or biweekly (depending on career stage and project timeline). I am always happy to find additional time in my schedule when we need more frequent interactions. I am also more or less always available on Teams for quick questions or chats. 


While students should not chase papers, I encourage them to publish. First, writing is thinking. Second, sharing our discoveries with the community is a way to advance our field. Third, publishing allows us to collect feedback, which leads to new and higher-quality ideas. Finally, attending conferences and publishing papers can help students secure their next position, and the ability to communicate complex information is critical for any post-graduation career. For these reasons, graduate students should plan one publication per year after their first year. I also encourage undergraduate students to get involved with publishing if they have time and interest in developing scientific writing skills. I am aware that not all students will have published before joining the group and will guide them through the process.


I don't expect students to bring funding and bringing funding does not guarantee acceptance into the group if there is no fit. This said, I encourage students to identify and apply for funding opportunities they are eligible for, such as fellowships, travel grants, and student awards, among others. This both helps our group finances and builds people's CVs. I'm willing to put a lot of time into supporting students in their applications.

Career goals

I don't expect my students to stay in academia (I didn't want to be a Professor when I was a student). While I can provide first-hand advice on how to pursue a faculty career, I will do my best to support students interested in any other career path.

How to reach out

General instructions 

If you follow the instructions above, I will reply within 1-2 weeks unless it is a particularly busy time. 

Before sending me an email, please note

I will not reply if

Additional information

Additional information specific to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scholars can be found below.

Additional information about the GT AE programs is below:

We can host visiting students from other institutions, but they are expected to have their funding.  

Unfortunately, we may not always be able to accommodate all those who reach out due to a large number of requests.


Instructions for undergraduate students

We are accepting 1-2 students for Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 (we are not accepting students for Summer 2024).

Prerequisite courses

Prerequisite skills


How undergraduate research works in my group

I will give you a list of potential topics. You are welcome to pick from the list or propose other topics of your interest and in my area. Once we have agreed on a topic, I will outline the activities for the semester and give you materials to get started. I meet with undergraduate students every other week or every week for 30 min. Most of the meetings revolve around research but I also use time to talk about classes and professional opportunities. 

My approach to working with UG students is hands-on because undergrad was when I found my path within aerospace thanks to working closely with a professor. UG students joining our group can expect that I will be very invested in their project as opposed to assigning them to primarily work with a more senior group member. For this reason, however, we are only able to accommodate a limited number of UG students in our group.  


Scholarship opportunities

Instructions for graduate students

MS and PhD applications for Spring 2025 will be due in October 2024. We cannot currently assess whether we will be accepting new students. 

Please note

Prerequisite courses

Prerequisite skills


Most of the funded opportunities are for PhD students, though funding for MS students may occasionally be available. 

Prospective students

If you are a prospective graduate student interested in our group, you should apply to the GT AE graduate program listing Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics as your primary research area and me as a faculty member you would like to work with.

I am not able to provide advice on preparing your application. However, you are welcome to send me an email to let me know of your interests and provide information about your background. I will look for your application if it passes our screening, there is a fit, and I have openings in my group. 

You can find information about applying here (MS) and here (PhD). 

Current students

If you are a GT AE graduating senior or graduate student interested in our group, please reach out via email to inquire about potential opportunities. 

AE 8900 projects

If you are a current GT AE graduate student interested in conducting your AE 8900 project in our group, you must

I won't accept students who don't meet these requirements because I cannot define a meaningful research project without these pre-requisite skills. 

AE 8900 projects are assigned on a rolling basis until we reach maximum capacity.

How AE 8900 graduate research works in my group

AE8900 research will work as described for undergraduate students. The difference will be in the complexity of the project.  

How MS or PhD research works in my group

Depending on the funding source, students may have a pre-assigned project. If the position is funded by a sponsored project, the research scope will be defined. While I am happy to leave students free to pursue their research directions, this will be possible only as long as the project goals and deadlines are met. If a student brings their funding (e.g., fellowship), I can be flexible regarding research scope and timeline, as long as the research topic is in my area of expertise and interest. We will make a multi-year plan and a shorter-term plan. This will help us keep track of the big picture while making steps toward completing the degree. I meet with graduate students every week for one hour unless we agree to skip. Most of the meetings revolve around research but I often use some time to talk about academics or career-development topics. 


Graduate fellowship opportunities

Instructions for postdoctoral researchers

We are open to considering postdoctoral researchers but we do not currently have funded opportunities.

Prerequisite degrees

Prerequisite skills


We do not currently have funded postdoctoral positions. If you are interested in joining our group for a postdoc, please check the opportunities below. 

If you are a recent/soon-to-be PhD graduate interested in our group, please reach out via email to discuss potential future opportunities

How postdoc research works in my group

Postdoc research will work as described above for PhD students. The main difference will be in the complexity and length of the research project.  


Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities

Instructions for visiting scholars

We are open to considering motivated and qualified visiting scholars.


The pre-requisites above for the appropriate career stage will apply.


Visiting scholars are expected to have their own funding support.

We only host visiting scholars at GT (no virtual visits). If you are interested, you are welcome to reach out via email to discuss potential opportunities. 

How research as a visiting scholar works in my group

Research will work as described for undergraduate and graduate students. The complexity of the research project will vary depending on the visitor's career stage (MS student, PhD student, etc.) and the length of the visit. 

Note for international visitors

We are not involved in the paperwork to obtain visas and cannot help resolve visa issues or delays. 

Note for all visitors

GT does not provide on-campus housing for visiting scholars. You are expected to find off-campus housing on your own. 

Instructions for high-school students

We are not accepting high-school researchers at this time.